Oakley and the Long Fog

published: 09 19 2021
themes: big feelings, growing up

So many of us are in the middle of a long fog right now, and it can be hard to deal with the uncertainty of it. Oakley, the chipmunk in this story, encounters his first long fog and learns to find the magic in it. I hope you enjoy this one!

This story comes from a collaboration with David of Sparkle Stories, and you will hear both of our voices. You can find many more stories from Sparkle Stories by visiting https://www.sparklestories.com/browse/ and listen to the conversation that led to the development of this story by visiting The Storying Project here: https://thestoryingproject.com/

If your tiny person wants to share a story they've written, please send photos or recordings of it to rhea@littlestoriestinypeople.com. I'd LOVE to see their artwork, stories, and anything else they'd like to share.

You can find the LSFTP picture books, Little Hedgehog Goes to School and Little Fox Can't Wait to Dream, by visiting https://www.littlestoriestinypeople.com/books

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